
Merritt Bookkeeping Review: An Insightful Analysis

Are you searching for a comprehensive Merritt Bookkeeping review? Well, your search ends here! Dive into this engaging piece as we unravel the capabilities and limitations of one of the leading contenders in digital bookkeeping services.

Stay tuned to not only understand their system but also evaluate whether it’s the right fit for your needs.

Having explored countless bookkeeping platforms, I can confidently say that Merritt has created its unique standing in the world of accounting software.

A user-friendly interface, robust support, and a worry-free 90-day money-back guarantee are just some highlights. However, every service comes with its own set of challenges – and Merritt is no exception.

What is Merritt Virtual Bookkeeping?

Grasping the essence of Merritt bookkeeping starts from understanding its foundation. A key player in the world of digital bookkeeping, it offers solutions that streamline financial management for businesses.

What is Merritt Virtual Bookkeeping?

Now, let’s dive into what Merritt Bookkeeping is and a snapshot of its journey so far.

What Is Merritt Bookkeeping?

If I were to wrap up what Merritt Bookkeeping is succinctly: It’s a web-based service offering cost-effective and accessible ways for businesses to manage their books.

Essentially, it’s a bridge connecting your business to an impeccable financial organization without stepping into the complications of doing everything by yourself.

Operating since 2009, they’ve carved out an admirable niche in digital bookkeeping services. The keyword here is convenience.

Instead of fussing over receipts and ledgers on your own or hiring an expensive account manager, you can simply delegate these tasks to them while focusing on taking your business forward.

Spanning the Company’s History

Tracing back their footprints brings us across a dynamic journey that began over a decade ago in San Diego, California.

From humble roots as a home-based business handling financials for local clients, Merritt has sprouted wings reaching small businesses across America today.

They noticed early how many entrepreneurs lacked time to take care of bookkeeping efficiently and seized this opportunity gap by providing a solution—turnkey digital bookkeeping.

Building upon solid principles like transparency and reliability which are revered by their clients they expanded steadily building trust along their growth line.

While two main forces push Merritt forward—simplicity and affordability—it’s intriguing how they’ve stuck with these core values throughout their history even as they adjusted their strategies according to market shifts.

Overall, knowing about the company’s history allows one to appreciate not just where it stands today but also how it attained this position.

Merritt Bookkeeping Review: How Does Merritt Work?

When I think about how Merritt Bookkeeping manages to streamline financial tasks so efficiently, the process stands out for its simplicity and user-friendliness. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  • Initial Setup: As soon as you sign up, Merritt reaches out to understand your specific needs. They then connect your existing QuickBooks account or help set up a new one if you don’t already have it. This is great because there’s no need for me to deal with any of the technical stuff.
  • Regular Updates: Every month, Merritt retrieves the bank and credit card statements directly from my financial institutions. This automatic data fetching ensures that I don’t have to send them anything manually, which saves me quite a bit of time.
  • Reconciliation Process: Their team takes care of categorizing all transactions and reconciling them with my accounts. They tackle discrepancies head-on, ensuring that the books they keep are squeaky clean.
  • Financial Statements: At the end of each period (usually monthly), they provide clear and concise financial statements. It is incredibly helpful for me to have an overall picture of my business without getting bogged down in details.
  • Yearly Preparation: When it’s time for taxes, Merritt compiles an annual package which makes it easier for me or my tax professional to file without a hitch.

Throughout this process, their policy on transparency means I can check in on my finances anytime via QuickBooks without directly managing any aspect of bookkeeping myself – now that’s peace of mind!

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Advantages of Choosing a Service Like Merritt Bookkeeping

When it comes to keeping track of business finances, I know how important good bookkeeping is. Opting for a service like Merritt Bookkeeping can make this task much easier.

Advantages of Choosing a Service Like Merritt Bookkeeping

In my experience, there are several benefits to choosing them which are well worth considering.

Simplifying Bookkeeping with QuickBooks

One of the key benefits of using Merritt is that they simplify bookkeeping by using QuickBooks. This is great because QuickBooks is a widely known tool that handles accounting tasks smoothly.

With it, all of your transactions are in one place and you can see your business’s financial health at any time. This means no messy papers everywhere or complicated spreadsheets to manage.

Also, since QuickBooks is so popular, it’s easy to share your financials with an accountant when tax time comes around or if you need professional advice.

So you don’t have to worry about organizing everything for someone else—it’s already done in QuickBooks. I find this incredibly helpful for saving time and keeping stress levels low.

No Software Learning Curve Required

Another huge advantage of Merritt Bookkeeping is that there’s no need to learn new software. For folks who aren’t tech-savvy or just don’t have the time to master another app, this plays out as an amazing benefit.

You won’t spend hours watching tutorials or reading manuals; you can focus on running your business instead.

Not needing to learn new software means you can get started right away too—the onboarding process won’t slow you down at all.

From day one, they handle all the bookkeeping tasks using tools that integrate seamlessly into their services without demanding any extra effort from your side.

Robust Customer Support

If ever there was an issue or a question about my books, knowing robust customer support was just a message away gave me peace of mind.

The Merrit team offers strong support for their service which makes things way less stressful when I need help sorting something out quickly

The people behind Merrit show they care about their customers’ needs by being available and responsive—whether it’s through email or phone calls—and offering hands-on help rather than sending out generic responses; making sure every query I’ve had gets personalized attention from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Last but important comes the 90-day money-back guarantee offered by Merrit—this speaks volumes about the confidence they have in their service quality and customer satisfaction rate; it ensures I as a user feel secure trying them out, knowing if things don’t work out as expected within those first three months—I haven’t lost anything financially speaking

The guarantee also gives me assurance that if ever something were not quite right with my bookkeeping records during that period, I could simply speak up and get problems fixed without risking my budget It acts almost like insurance against dissatisfaction—a safety net making sure clients like myself are contented right from the start

Disadvantages to Consider

Despite all the advantages, it is also important for me to look at certain drawbacks in this Merritt Bookkeeping review.

Disadvantages to Consider

Every tool has its flaws and understanding these helps make a more informed decision.

Challenges with No Customization

The prominent challenge one might face with Merritt Bookkeeping lies in its lack of customization. The company operates on pre-defined procedures for bookkeeping without much room for customization based on personal needs or business necessities.

In my experience, customization is crucial as every business has unique needs, different flows of transactions, and individualistic processes of operation.

If you have a business model that constantly evolves or if your bookkeeping needs change frequently, you may find it hard to adapt to a system that comes with fixed functionality.

Moreover, some businesses require specific categorizations when it comes to managing their finances. An example can be businesses working on projects where costs need tracking on a project basis.

In such cases, the absence of customization might force the users into unnecessary complexities struggling to match their unique needs with the pre-defined functionalities of Merritt’s services.

Downside Of No Sub-Accounts

Another noticeable downside in this Merritt Bookkeeping review is the non-availability of sub-accounts which can prove challenging while managing complex operations or large-scale businesses.

A sub-account system allows for divisional separation within an account; it’s like creating smaller compartments within a larger box – each serving its purpose and making management easier and more organized.

Suppose I’m running multiple ventures under a single umbrella firm; having distinct sub-accounts simplifies tracking income & expenditure streams related to each venture separately.

However, the absence of this feature translates into difficulties when attempting the meticulous financial segregation required by my setup which could become problematic as complexity scales up.

It’s like attempting to store all types and sizes of files in one big folder! Searching becomes tedious when there is a lot to observe and differentiate.

Therefore, no sub-accounts in Merritt’s services could be an issue for some potential users, particularly for those who need intricate details coupled with effortless segregation.

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Exploring Alternatives To Merritt Bookkeeping

Before committing to use any particular service, it’s always a smart move to explore what other alternatives are out there. They say you don’t know what you’re missing until you look.

While I appreciate the simplicity and user-friendly approach that Merritt Bookkeeping offers, let’s take a peek at some other popular online bookkeeping options such as FreshBooks, Xero, and QuickBooks Online.


FreshBooks is an all-in-one small business invoicing and accounting solution that has won over many users with its remarkable features. Here are five of them:

  • Invoicing: Customizable invoices can be created in seconds.
  • Expense Tracking: You can efficiently track your business expenses.
  • Time Tracking: It helps in recording hours worked and managing your team’s time.
  • Financial Reports: It generates profit and loss reports, sales tax summaries, expense reports, etc., aiding in quicker decision-making.
  • Online Payments: With the FreshBooks payments feature, it’s easier for clients to pay quickly.

One thing I like about Freshbooks is how it caters precisely to the needs of small businesses which often need quick solutions rather than complex technicalities.

In my experience working on diverse projects writing about financial tools, this software makes bookkeeping accessible for the average Joe running his business venture.


Moving on to Xero, an easy-to-use online accounting platform that attracts business owners with its robust, user-friendly design.

With cloud-based infrastructure, Xero lets you log in anywhere, anytime. So whether I’m at a coffee shop jotting down my ideas, or hastily meeting deadlines at home, I can always keep abreast of my financial matters.

Here’s what’s appealing about it:

  • Usability: Xero offers an intuitive and well-designed user interface that even the least tech-savvy can navigate.
  • Multi-currency: Businesses dealing internationally will appreciate the multi-currency feature.
  • Integration: Xero goes hand-in-hand with over 700 third-party apps! Wherever your demands fall on the spectrum of payroll to inventory, you have got a solution right there.
  • Unlimited Users: Unlike some platforms which limit you to certain user numbers unless you upgrade your plan (talk about discouragement), with Xero every package supports unlimited users!

From my perspective as someone who has worn many hats, from content writing on finance topics to being involved in small enterprise runnings myself – I can tell you this software spells ‘uncomplicated’.

QuickBooks Online

And then there is QuickBooks Online – a comprehensive online version of QuickBooks that some may argue is even more powerful than its offline counterpart.

What caught my eye was how scalable this service is; no matter if it’s sole proprietors or established businesses – all find something tailored for them.

Some noteworthy features include:

  • Expense Tracking: Keep tabs on where your money’s going by connecting bank and credit card accounts for automatic downloads and categorization.
  • Invoicing: This tool lets me fully automate billable turns for swift invoicing without errors lurking around.
  • Reporting: The advanced reporting feature allows customization of virtually any report that one needs.

The strong supportive ecosystem that has developed around QuickBooks Online is what people truly appreciate.

With abundant training resources and a large network of certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors, you can seek help whenever you’re in a pickle. As someone who knows the value of reliable support, I can testify that having this option.

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Merritt Bookkeeping has its own set of strengths and drawbacks, much like any service. Yes, it’s easy to use and boasts exemplary customer support, but the lack of customization options may leave some users dissatisfied.

Moreover, the absence of sub-accounts can cause difficulties for larger businesses needing more detail in their reports.

Yet, the 90-day money-back guarantee certainly adds a layer of reassurance for customers to try out their services risk-free.

Additionally, alternatives like Bench Accounting or seeking virtual bookkeepers at QuickBooks are well worth considering for your particular needs.

It requires a careful understanding of your unique business requirements before deciding whether Merritt Bookkeeping is truly the best fit for you.